
How to Save a World

Created by Burnt Island Games

Three desperate plans. One small chance... to save a world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An Update on Manufacturing, and Games Will Be Moving Soon!!
25 days ago – Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 03:08:02 PM

Hello Scientists,

Well, this is the first exciting update you've gotten in a really long time. I have literally been waiting a month to send it to you. YOUR GAMES ARE COMPLETE!! In fact they were complete right before the Lunar New Year. But, as luck would have it, we were a day too late to get them moving. So, today I have the exciting update that will tell you all about our next steps, and what you need to do to get your game to your door.

Freight Begins

We are about to begin shipping games all over the world. They will be divided by region, which means dates for ocean freight will vary. Here is how it is broken down:

VFI - Asia and Rest of World - typically begins shipping within 2-3 weeks once they receive freight. I will have the backer report ready for them in a day or two. So from my end, they will be ready to go once they get the games.

Armarlo - Australia and New Zealand - freight typically takes 2-3 weeks to arrive. We have never worked with this company for fulfillment (only as a distributor), so we're waiting to hear from them about timing. I will report back here once I know.

PTS - Europe - freight usually takes about 5 weeks to arrive in France. But once they have our games, fulfillment is almost immediate.

Zatu - United Kingdom - freight usually takes about 4 weeks, but once they have our games, fulfillment is almost immediate.

CABVI - United States, Central, and South America - Freight has been taking about 5-6 weeks to get to the US these days. CABVI is a US fulfillment house that several other companies in the industry are using at the moment. We haven't worked with them before, but the other companies rave about them. We are looking forward to working with them this time around. They tell us it should take about a day or two to get all of your games out once they have them, and they have been processed.

Universal Distribution - Canada - Freight should take about 5-6 weeks to arrive. We have chosen to send games straight to Canada this time around because of the tariffs in the US. It is our best option and one that will help keep our costs down. This is also good news because it means that Canadians don't have to wait an extra 2-3 weeks for games to arrive from the US to Canada.

What This Means For You - Address Changes

Right now, all you need to know is that you cannot change the region you live in, in BackerKit. But you can still change your address if you are outside of Asia and RoW. If you are from either of these two places, please send me a DM and I'll see what I can do for you. 

For everyone else, I will be locking addresses in 1 week. This gives me the opportunity to have your info ready for each fulfillment house so that your games can go out as soon as possible. 

To find your BackerKit survey, if you need to change your address, search for it here. You may still have the link in your email. Please check it there and on the BackerKit website before you message us to find it for you. You can imagine that this is an incredibly busy time for us. We are absolutely here to help you. But if you can try to help yourself first, we would really appreciate it.

Address Locking Date: Monday, February 24, 2025 at 8pm EST. 

If you know you are moving and don't know your address yet, do not worry. I will take address changes up until 1 week before we ship. But note that I will not be able to change your region. So if you are moving to a different region in the world, you may incur extra charges.

That is all for today, Scientists!!


If you have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to post your comments or questions here, on the main page, or DM us. We're here for you!


You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us on How to Save a World!

Until next time Scientists ...

Helaina and the How to Save a World Team

A Boring Old Update
2 months ago – Thu, Jan 09, 2025 at 06:43:17 AM

Hello Scientists,

I apologize for being a few days late to update you. We have been on a much-needed holiday, and this time around I opted for some peace and quiet. Beyond that, there really isn't much to update you with at the moment. Right now, the manufacturer is completing manufacturing. We are really really hoping that How to Save a World will be done before the Lunar New Year. But as that time is quickly approaching, we are thinking that it isn't going to happen. 

What does this mean for your games? Well, they will sit in the factories for several weeks before work picks up again. Once they resume, they will be nearly finished. I am guessing that we'll be able to get the games out of China at the beginning of March. If that is the case, we'll have them to most regions including the US by the middle April. And then we'll begin fulfillment. 

There will be a lot more information once the games are complete. For now, hold on to the memory of the amazing KS campaign, and hope for the game that will soon be on your table.


If you have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to post your comments or questions here, on the main page, or DM us. We're here for you!


You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us on How to Save a World!

Until next time Scientists ...

Helaina and the How to Save a World Team

An Impromptu Update
4 months ago – Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 12:27:51 PM

Hello Scientists,

I know it's only been 10 days since we sent you the last bit of information. But there has been a great update from the manufacturer since then, so we wanted to share it with you.

Here are the final player trays. We think that they look amazing!! They are so functional! 

We are so very excited about the way these trays have turned out. Thank you for patiently waiting for information about them!

Lairs Has One Week Remaining

So much has happened on this campaign since the last time I sent an update (only 10 days ago)! 


Join us before it's too late!


If you have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to post your comments or questions here, on the main page, or DM us. We're here for you!


You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us on How to Save a World!

Until next time Scientists ...

Helaina and the How to Save a World Team

Still Waiting, Not Much New
4 months ago – Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 07:48:11 AM

Hello Scientists!!

Here with another very short update today!

We are full steam ahead at this point. We have received the Polish files and the new inserts. We have approved everything. Some non-text components had already begun being manufactured. So, while we were still waiting to get the Polish files and the remainder of the inserts approved, things have been moving along. 

I suspect we will be done manufacturing right at the beginning of the new year. If we can get the games out of the country before the Lunar New Year, we'll have the games to their respective regions by the beginning of March. That is the best case scenario. 

That being said, shipping is all over the place these days. It is very possible that while we'll have the games ready for freight, they might have to wait until after the Lunar New Year to ship. That means that they will leave China at the end of February and land some time around the end of April. This is what we assumed we would be doing. So our fulfillment date of June 2025 is still perfectly doable. 

Here Are the Two Potential Timelines

1st Scenario

  • Manufacturing - 60 days, should end around the beginning of January
  • Freight - beginning of January to end of February 2025
  • Fulfillment - March/April 2025

2nd Scenario

  • Manufacturing - 60 days, should end around the beginning of January
  • Freight - end of February 2025, landing end of April
  • Fulfillment - May/June 2025

Apple ID Email Addresses

Thanks to those of you who have already been in touch about your encrypted email address. It is very helpful to get ahead of it. If you are a person who has an Apple ID email address, you also have not received the BackerKit Pledge Manager email. You won't receive a game unless you update that with us. Please send us an email at [email protected] with a new email address, and we'll take care of it for you.

What We're Up To: Lairs is LIVE

Click on the image to take you there!

Lairs is funded and collecting some pretty awesome Stretch Goals! 

2 players (with a second box that contains a 1 vs. 2)

35-45 minutes


Back the Campaign HERE!

The pull of adventure has always called to you. Staring out the door of your farmhouse at night, you’d dream about walking the unknown path, overcoming incredible dangers, and discovering fortune and glory (of some sort) at the end of it. No, your small village and the simple life of a farmer would never suffice. So what’s the first logical step? Learn how to adventure, of course. Enthusiasm will only take you so far. You’re going to have to refine your fighting, sneaking, and deduction skills if you want to become a full-fledged member of the Adventurer’s Guild. Now, let’s enter the dungeon.

Lairs is the all new adventure game from KTBG and designer Christopher Westmaas. Two players will face off, building a dungeon and running their opponent’s. As you delve deeper into your training for the Adventurers Guild, you’ll open boxes and envelopes adding new content to the game. The complexity and power of the obstacles you face will increase, but so too will your skills and abilities. Unlock useful new items and shiny glimmering baubles of immense value. It’s all part of becoming a world class adventurer.

Before you know it, you’ll be doing battle with high level enchanted beasts, dismantling the most advanced contraptions, and seeking out the exit. Will everything you learned pay off or will you find yourself lost in the dark?

Back the Campaign HERE!

I will be keeping in touch with you all the way through this process. My goal is to ALWAYS keep open lines of communication. That's all for today, Scientists!! 


If you have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to post your comments or questions here, on the main page, or DM us. We're here for you!


You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us on How to Save a World!

Until next time Scientists ...

Helaina and the How to Save a World Team

Playing the Waiting Game
5 months ago – Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 01:41:41 PM

Hello Scientists!!

Here with a very short update today!

We are definitely in the waiting game at this point. We have submitted the English, French, and German files already. We are awaiting the remaining Polish files to be submitted. That should take another week or two. 

We finally received the inserts. While they are mostly wonderful, the player trays need some changes in order to be approved. When we get the new ones, I will update you with some photos. We are awaiting news.


While we are playing the waiting game, we know that we will still be able to meet our timeline. Here is where we are right now.

  • Early November - final files submitted, manufacturing begins
  • Manufacturing - 60 days, should end around the beginning of January
  • Freight - beginning of January to end of February 2025
  • Fulfillment - March/April 2025

Apple ID Email Addresses

Thanks to those of you who have already been in touch about your encrypted email address. It is very helpful to get ahead of it. If you are a person who has an Apple ID email address, you also have not received the BackerKit Pledge Manager email. You won't receive a game unless you update that with us. Please send us an email at [email protected] with a new email address, and we'll take care of it for you.

What We're Up To

You might have heard that we like to run a Kickstarter campaign every now and then! You might have also heard that we have a sibling brand called KTBG (entry weight strategy games). Well, we've got an amazing campaign coming up in just under 4 weeks!!

Click on the image to take you there!

2 players (although there will be a very welcome surprise during the campaign)

35-45 minutes


Sign Up HERE!

The pull of adventure has always called to you. Staring out the door of your farmhouse at night, you’d dream about walking the unknown path, overcoming incredible dangers, and discovering fortune and glory (of some sort) at the end of it. No, your small village and the simple life of a farmer would never suffice. So what’s the first logical step? Learn how to adventure, of course. Enthusiasm will only take you so far. You’re going to have to refine your fighting, sneaking, and deduction skills if you want to become a full-fledged member of the Adventurer’s Guild. Now, let’s enter the dungeon.

Lairs is the all new adventure game from KTBG and designer Christopher Westmaas. Two players will face off, building a dungeon and running their opponent’s. As you delve deeper into your training for the Adventurers Guild, you’ll open boxes and envelopes adding new content to the game. The complexity and power of the obstacles you face will increase, but so too will your skills and abilities. Unlock useful new items and shiny glimmering baubles of immense value. It’s all part of becoming a world class adventurer.

Before you know it, you’ll be doing battle with high level enchanted beasts, dismantling the most advanced contraptions, and seeking out the exit. Will everything you learned pay off or will you find yourself lost in the dark?

Sign Up HERE!

I will be keeping in touch with you all the way through this process. My goal is to ALWAYS keep open lines of communication. That's all for today, Scientists!! 


If you have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to post your comments or questions here, on the main page, or DM us. We're here for you!


You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us on How to Save a World!

Until next time Scientists ...

Helaina and the How to Save a World Team